
Feeling Left Out: The Silent Struggle We All Face

Hey there, fellow wanderers of the internet!  Lol…   Now , let's dive into something that's all too familiar for many of us: feeling left out or ostracized. Yep, that uncomfortable, sometimes downright painful feeling of not quite fitting in, like you're on the outside looking in while everyone else is having a grand old time. Now, before we get started, let me just say: if you've ever felt this way, you're not alone. Seriously, not at all .  Although research has shown that a certain personality trait (negative emotionality) may predispose one to feeling ostracized.   However, f eeling left out is something that affects just about everyone at some point in their lives, whether they admit it or not. It's like one of those universal human experiences, right up there with hitt ing your toe or getting caught in the rain without an umbrella. But what exactly does it mean to feel left out? Well, it's different for everyone, but it usually involves feeling disconn

Self-Love: The Restorative Potential of Forgiving Yourself

As we embark on our path to self-love, mastering the skill of forgiving yourself  is a crucial and life-altering step. To go on this path, one must be brave, kind, and ready to release the past. A lack of self-love and subsequent stagnation in personal development and fulfilment directly result from holding onto negative emotions like shame, remorse, and regret over our perceived or actual flaws. But we may unlock the door to deep healing and self-acceptance when we forgive. Practising self-forgiveness does not include downplaying or ignoring the wrong  you have do ne . Rather, it's a deliberate decision to let go of the emotional weight of the past and proceed with empathy and comprehension. It means accepting ourselves as we are: fallible, imperfect, and capable of change. You are only human! Realising that blunders are a part of life and a chance to learn and improve is what it is to be human. It is very important to be kind to yourself, this is because it is important to the pr

Wiki Cat Coin

The features and benefits of Wiki Cat Coin is quite enormous. In this tweet, I would highlight a couple of them: One of the features of Wiki Cat coin is the fact that it is decentralized, which means any government or central authority does not control it but rather runs on a distributed ledger technology. Also, the security is top-notch, making it highly resistant to fraud and hacking. There is also the issue of anonymity. Wiki Cat coin offers that. It provides a high degree of privacy and pseudonymity to its users. And finally, it is a global coin with accessibility to anyone with an internet connection, and transactions can be conducted with anyone, anywhere in the world. Some of the benefits of the Wiki Cat coin is that transactions with the Wiki Cat is fast and faster and cheaper compared to other methods of banking.  As I mentioned earlier, Wiki Cat coin is readily accessible by anyone with an internet connection and a device, making it possible for people who do not have access

Social Anxiety

While facing potentially stressful situations, such as public speaking or a first date, have you ever had "butterflies" in your stomach? You probably have, since it's normal and expected to feel nervous before some social events. Also, while we all worry about what other people think of us from time to time, it's not common for people to feel nervous before everyday social interactions to the point where they feel anxious or avoid them altogether. But if one has social anxiety, even simple interactions can be hard. We can worry so much about what other people will think or how we might mess up that we can't do our best work. People think that social anxiety disorder is caused by a complex mix of biological and environmental factors, just like most other mental health problems. One thing is that people think anxiety disorders tend to run in families. If someone in your family has anxiety, you may be more likely to get it yourself. People also think that social anxi

Grief and Ways to Effectively Cope

Grief is a normal human reaction to loss. When something or someone important to an individual is taken away, one experiences emotional pain. Sometimes the sting of grief seems insurmountable. The person may feel a wide range of negative and unexpected feelings, from shock and fury to disbelief, remorse, and great grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance are the five phases of grieving identified by one theorist. Of course, not everyone who experiences loss goes through each of these stages, and that is normal. A person's physical health can be negatively impacted by the anguish of loss, making it hard to sleep, eat, or think clearly. These are all natural responses to grieving and will be amplified if the loss is very profound. One of life's greatest difficulties is getting over the loss of a loved one or an important possession. Even seemingly little losses may trigger grief. It is normal to feel sad following major life changes like leaving home, finishin

Keep Calm and Carry On

If you have found yourself in a difficult problem at work, preparing to take a test/exam, first day at school, or before making an important decision, you must have experienced uneasiness, fear, or dread. This may have even caused you to sweat profusely, feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heartbeat. This is just a normal reaction to stress. Another word for it is anxiety, and this is good anxiety… yes you heard me… good anxiety! This anxiety can help you to cope in the face of distress, it may even give you a boost of energy or help you focus. The body experiences anxiety when it goes into a fight or flight type of high alert. However, for people who are with anxiety disorders, this feeling of fear is not temporary and can be really overwhelming and unpleasant.  This happens when the feelings appear to be all-consuming and interfere with daily living. There are many ways you can know if you are crossing the borderline from just anxious feeling to pathological anxiety. One of the


  We sometimes take for granted the power our thoughts have on our overall existence. Yes, I meant that. This is not solely to motivate you but to bring to your consciousness how we haven’t been using the very powerful tool we can ever have to live a happier life and improved well-being. A positive thought is basically having an optimistic mindset. The positive outlook enhances good relationships, draws success into your life, and increases the happiness hormone i.e., Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphins (why do I need drugs to be happy?). It's a mindset that can be cultivated. Can we remember the concept of the half-empty, and half-full glass? Essentially, what this concept shows us is that although none is wrong, however the way we answer this question-reflect our general view on life and even our attitude towards ourselves. For example, when there is a crisis situation, different people would respond to these situations in different ways. Typically, either look for a way out of the