
Showing posts from July, 2019

Suicide in Children

Hello everyone, today I bring to you a topic I find very saddening to share. This happens even in our very own country however low the rate is at present. It would be short and precise. The death of a child is always a heartbreaking tragedy, but when a child dies from suicide it brings a whole other level of grief that effects society as a whole.  Fortunately, suicide in children is relatively rare. Though, in saying that, on average, approximately 33 children under 12 kill themselves each year in the US alone. The rate is on the increase though considering the current rate of suicide in the world today. A lot of factors has been known as possible causes of child suicide and they range from experiencing child abuse, being bullied, being forced to marry, having very low self-worth. This and even more are possible reasons for suicide in children.  Although very little research has been conducted on this topic, but one shocking and recent finding is that only about ...

Depression: The Silent Killer (Final Part)

Hello everyone, thank you all for the positive feedback and for those who mentioned that I should discuss a bit more about some specific areas of depression, I sure would do that as time goes on and very soon as well, so keep checking this space and keep sharing as well. The awareness of our mental health/status is very important, but we all have a part to play in spreading the word as you may be saving someone. So today, I would be concluding the topic we started last week with a brief about the causes of depression and the possible treatments. The causes of depression aren’t farfetched. Although they are a results from a combination of genetic, biologic, environmental, and psychological factors. The genetic makeup of an individual may play a complex role in setting the level of sensitivity to certain kinds of events, including the level of nervous system reacting to stress and other challenges. It doesn’t mean that depression cannot occur in people without family histories....

Depression: The Silent Killer

Hello everyone, today I would be writing on one issue I consider a major precedence to suicide. DEPRESSION! In our earlier article titled “Suicidal Ideation: The Pathway to Suicide”, it was brought to the fore that depression can lead to suicidal thoughts and if not well tackled well would lead to suicidal attempt. I am sure if I am to take a survey on what many people refer to as depression most would say being sad or low mood which to an extent is true as these are symptoms of a person who is depressed. Scientifically speaking, depression is much more than mere low mood or what we call “mood swings” at a point in time. Therefore, this article would be bringing to our knowledge what really it means to be diagnosed with depression (i.e. as a disorder), the various types of depression, some of the causes and then when and how to get help. Depression is one of the major psychological problem in our world today. According to the National Institutes of Health, each...