MENTAL HEALTH: Why the Stigma?

Hello everyone, feels good to be back again! Last month was World Suicide Prevention Month and a lot has been on going on creating awareness towards suicide prevention. This month, October 10 th 2019 is World Mental Health Day, and guess what, the theme is also Suicide Prevention :) . A lot is being said about suicide as the rate of suicide is increasing by the day both here in Nigeria and over the world. However, there are ways one can prevent this epidemic called suicide. You can click to read up on some tips I shared on Suicide Prevention. The awareness continues as we hope to get a large number of Nigerians and even Africans on being conscious about their mental health and when to seek help. So today, I would be discussing on an issue (stigma) that has actually been a major turn off why people do not even bother seeking for help or talking to anyone about their mental health. Even globally, a lot of ...