Searching for Closure

Hello everyone, it feels good to share another topic with you again. Today I will be shedding light on the above topic which of course would benefit almost everyone or anyone in any form of relationship, and even for those who are yet to but need to know what to do when they find themselves in such situation. “If I could only speak to him” ... "If she'd had just told me why it was over, rather than ghosting me"... These are statements that may bring one to finding closure. Closure is knowing the reason a romantic relation was terminated and no longer feeling emotional attachment or pain, thereby allowing for the establishment of new and healthy relationships. Finding closure is difficult. Without closure many people report feeling like they're unable to move past their grief. This is why it is important to be honest with your reasons when breaking up with someone. Now if your partner refuses to give you closure after you have repeatedly asked for it, ask y...