Keep Calm and Carry On

If you have found yourself in a difficult problem at work, preparing to take a test/exam, first day at school, or before making an important decision, you must have experienced uneasiness, fear, or dread. This may have even caused you to sweat profusely, feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heartbeat. This is just a normal reaction to stress. Another word for it is anxiety, and this is good anxiety… yes you heard me… good anxiety! This anxiety can help you to cope in the face of distress, it may even give you a boost of energy or help you focus. The body experiences anxiety when it goes into a fight or flight type of high alert. However, for people who are with anxiety disorders, this feeling of fear is not temporary and can be really overwhelming and unpleasant. This happens when the feelings appear to be all-consuming and interfere with daily living. There are many ways you can know if you are crossing the borderline from just anxious feeling to pathological anxiety. One of...