Our words as much as our actions have a way of beautifying or otherwise damaging our relationships. Looking back at the post on marriage and divorce, if partners could imbibe the habit of always genuinely complimenting each other, making each other laugh and genuinely happy, the rate of divorce will take a downturn; I mean who doesn’t want to be with someone that compliments and makes them feel good about themselves? I tell you something; Men love compliments as well… ladies that is a secret tip to win him over. LOL! So, one may be wondering how then can I say something nice. Well, I will give a few steps to saying something nice and being intentional, I believe you will exercise due diligence to research on ways to improve communication with others. Here are some steps; Acknowledge an accomplishment, appreciate an aspect of someone’s personality, thank someone for being there, praise someone’s effort not just the outcome, comment on someone’s qualities not just their appearance, leave...