Welcome again to another article I consider important in today's world. Sit back and let me take you through the ride...

Ever heard of the Thumper’s law or Thumperian principle??? It says "if you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all,"

When it comes to using words, they are truly powerful; words have the power to lift a Nation and can inspire or destroy someone, so having the ability to think before you speak is something you shouldn’t be taking advantage of but many people do not recognise how powerful words are. Hmmmm.. or should I say they just choose to ignore the facts that words are really powerful? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

Saying something nice is about lifting one’s co-workers, family members, friends acquaintances, and even foes, with genuine kind words. It takes discipline. In some cases, one may feel some kind of negative way towards others, saying something nice doesn’t necessarily mean putting those negative beliefs aside (as that may seem impossible for the time being), it means of course looking at the positives or something really worth appreciating in the individual and complimenting them. That is, it’s not about syrupy false compliments. If you exercise your mind, you can find something positive about any of the people you come across.

Mark Twain once said, “I can live for two months on a good compliment.” These little gems really can sustain a person. As funny as this may sound right, someone’s mood and general health may improve or rather be sustained based on the nice compliments they get that makes them smile or even better laugh, looking back at our previous post on laughter; you will see how laughter is good for our wellbeing. So, one can assume that an individual laughing or smiling in response to a compliment can improve their health.

From the previous post talking about the positive and adverse effect of social media, we can see that with the sudden introduction of social media came the internet troll, with this came harsh words, since people hide behind the mask of being anonymous. It seems as though the trend of using harsh words or as the case may be “trolling” or “savage response” has become more popular and acceptable, while that may be the case, what we really need is to see a reason to be nice to each other not minding the age or status. I tell you something; ‘once upon a time, I was scrolling through my Twitter account and there was the thread that I read through, people commenting and all of that and nice things were said to this lady who expressed some displeasure in her life… long story short, she and many others including me of course really appreciated that nice words could come out from “the savage app”, this went a long way to show me that there is good in every human, we just have to consciously push the good out and help humanity”

While there is a problem with online or physical trolling and bullying, there is not enough acknowledgement of the consequences. The simple truth is, harshly spoken words resonate with people, and some are driven to do unspeakable things. There’s an adage that says that people may not remember what you do, but they’ll certainly remember how you made them feel. So, next time you think of saying something nasty, remember, it’s far less effort to say something nice. It may seem like such a small and insignificant thing, but if somebody is feeling at their lowest point and something nice is said or done to them, there is no telling what you may have saved them from.

This where I would put a pause for today, its a lot I would love to share especially ways you can say nice things to be or why it is even important.

Till then...

Have a pleasant week!


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