Satanic unveil statue; vows to take over the world...

On Saturday, July 25, a group of ‘devil
worshippers’ unveiled an 8-foot-tall statue of
the Satanic Temple’s Baphomet in Detroit, the
According to CBS Local, the event which sold
tickets for $25 was sold-out.
Reports say that the event took place at an
undisclosed industrial building downtown Detroit,
with an estimated crowd of 700 people in
attendance. The location was kept a secret
because of the threat of religious protests.
CBN News reports that the Satanic Temple had
plans for a private event at a Detroit restaurant,
but the owner canceled the group’s reservation
after learning of what was planned.
Bert Dearing, the owner of the restaurant, was
quoted by Web Pro News: “When I rented the
place, I just thought it was a church. I didn’t know
about the unveiling of a statue. We weren’t aware
they were into devil worshiping.”
Witnesses say that attendees were forced to
clear two security checkpoints at separate
locations before arriving.
However, opponent Matt Pearson, an executive
producer of Church Militant, discovered the
location at Chene Park in downtown Detroit.

According to a Fox News report, the “guests
were washed in red light shining down from the
rafters at the venue as “dark punk” bands played
and DJs performed from a stage located beneath
a lighted, upside-down crucifix. Satanic Temple
officials delivered speeches and a pair of
shirtless men held candles on either side of the
statue, prior to its unveiling.”
A ‘no photography policy’ was passed at the
event, but despite the decree, a six-second Vine
has surfaced of the ‘great unveiling’.

Meanwhile, the news has now gone viral, and
some prominent Nigerians have begun to share it
on tweets and Facebook statuses.
For instance, the director of media and publicity
for Jonathan/Sambo campaign organization,
Olufemi Olu-Kayode, was impressed by the
statue’s height.
The Satanic Temple says it supports separation
of church and state, hence the statue was
meant for the state capitol in Oklahoma City
until its Supreme Court banned a monument of
the Ten Commandments.
Jex Blackmore, the director of the Satanic
Temple Detroit chapter, said temple members
planned to transport the sculpture to Arkansas,
where earlier this year, the governor signed a bill
authorizing a Ten Commandments monument on
the State Capitol’s grounds.

The Temple had unsuccessfully applied to have
the statue placed near the Ten Commandments
monument installed in 2012 on the Oklahoma
State Capitol grounds.
May God guide us.


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