OPPORTUNITY by Pastor Charles Famodimu

“And David said to, let no man’s heart fail because of him (Goliath), thy servant would go and fight this philistine.” 1 Samuel 17:32. The greatest thing a man can achieve is to experience “open heaven” but a lot of times we take it for granted and thereby we lose opportunities. Breakthrough is not what you pray for; rather it is what you work for in God and it only comes after you have been given opportunities.
When God gives you an ample opportunity you need not fear. If God is sending you, then be sure of his backing. Courage and boldness are needed to carry out any God given commission but there can’t be boldness until you trust in Him.
Opportunities are hidden in issues of life
Every issue that comes to you is meant for your lifting. Many Christians experienced closed heavens as a result of their approach to the issues that confronts them. In the passage quoted above, David, a young shepherd, saw an opportunity in a seemingly difficult issue of life and relying on the grace of God upon him, took the challenge in boldness.
Stop seeing circumstances but believe in the God that is in the circumstances. The seed of faithfulness in you is the anchor that brings you lifting. The zeal of God in the heart of David was his faithfulness to God in that situation and heaven was opened to back him up. To fulfill your destiny, opportunities would be given to you to determine your failure or success. Service to God is an opportunity for you to gain keys, more opportunities, open heavens, grace, breakthroughs etc.
In the book of 1 Sam 24 vs 1-3, King Saul was after the life of David. It shows that your faithfulness and truthfulness (to God and your leader) will attract battles from men. Your love will be betrayed; it shouldn’t stop you from giving love. You will be denied help; but it doesn’t stop you from helping others. People will run you down with their mouth; but it doesn’t stop you from being what God wants you to be. You must carry your cross and go through the processes. Opportunity will generate problems but you must not afford to waste, underutilize, mess up, or despise the opportunities given to you. The garment of shame and reproach man gives to you is only for a time; it temporary. David’s brothers gave him names; the names of shame and failure given by people will dissolve as long as you take steps towards being what God has ordained you to be... To be continued next week.
Hallelujah to King of kings