SUICIDE: Today's Epidemic in Nigeria

Suicide rates will keep multipling in Nigeria. Not because times are hard. Times were HARDER even during the Biafran war. The problem now is that adults are increasingly immature and insensitive. The society generally is increasingly frivolous. People have no true friends. Because friends see themselves more as rivals. Nigerians now shamefully worship money.

Our race is now measured by wealth and gross accumulation of wealth and nothing else. Set backs are mourned as a wasted life by those who should give love and genuine support. So a troubled man becomes the butt of jokes by those in whom he has reposited his trust in.

Calamities befall men and their friends and family members shed tears in the morning and run them down at night. Adults now behave like children.

Some men can't even tell their wives because he is sure she won't understand. He has seen her divulge little details to her family members. He has heard her eulogise wealth and curse set backs as abomination. She has a little merry heart.

Some pastors on the other hand can't be trusted because they are now given to flashy cars and worldly ambitions. They rate men by their earthly successes and wealth. They can't be trusted because wealth they say is the ultimate blessing from God. Everyday they celebrate only the rich of the moment. Past glory is not recorded in their books.

So the troubled man walks around with his troubles in his heart, smiles at all the children masquerading as adults around him. One day, he would finally weigh it all over again and say to himself, It's enough. I can't take it any longer. I must end it. Suicide becomes  the only way out. What a pity!

After the deed is done, all the so called friends and family members will resurface and trust humans, wonderful and tearful articles will be written, money will be contributed for what is termed "befitting burial." All that means nothing to the dead. Yes, he is gone to a place of rest, no sorrows, no pains.

The simple truth is that true  mature friends are now very scarce! Loving and caring couples almost extinct. If you have one, keep them close and guard them jealously like you would a diamond.

Prince Francis


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