The Broken Heart Syndrome

Hello Guys, today I would be talking to those people who are in a relationship (marriage etc)  or say in "Love". Being in love can be sweet I must say, but it can be a hell of an experience when things go wrong, I have had my fair share a couples times and trust me it isn't palatable at all. But it could get a lot worse!

I am using the captivating piece by Haenulin Shin to talk about heartbreak and the more severe state of 'Broken Heart Syndrome' that follows sometimes. Broken heart syndrome is a temporary heart condition that's often brought on by stressful situations, such as been left by a loved one or death of a loved one. The condition can also be triggered by a serious physical illness or surgery. People with broken heart syndrome may have sudden chest pain or think they're having a heart attack.

About 1 in 10 patients with broken heart syndrome experiences cardiogenic shock. And the majority of them are women. Love can be messy, passionate and sometimes irrational. It all depends on whether the feeling is reciprocated. Love can be experienced as intense joy or extreme despair.

Typically, everyone goes through heartbreak at least once in their life time. Those lucky enough to have never experience heartbreak would have heard of that tragic love story, seen it on movies or read a book. Usually, people get over heartbreak with the help of time, but sometimes that feeling don't go away so easily. Emotional pain that is so severe can cause the broken heart syndrome.

Physical effect.
The physiological correlate of intense heartbreak includes anxiety, depression, loss of appetite, insomnia, sweating, nausea, actual physical damage to the heart and in extreme cases even death. Yes! It's actually possible to die of heartbreak. (Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy)

The exact cause of broken heart syndrome (Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy) is unclear. But it is thought that a surge of stress hormone, such as adrenaline, may lead to a temporary constriction of the arteries of the heart.

Can anything be done to prevent the broken heart syndrome? Maybe there is. Like the Holy book says, guard your heart! Love life, and strive no matter what to always be prepared for the worse and the best in it.

Talk to an Expert!
Talk to a Psychologist!



  1. now you're a love and relationship counselor oo

    1. A Psychologist is an all round counselor Bro... Thanks for taking out time to read.

  2. Nice food for thought sir. Buh I feel staying out of "heart breaks "and it likes is by contracting perception

    1. Really? Contracting relationships? I would need more enlightenment in that regard please...

  3. Great piece. Thanks for this sir. Can't wait to read more. And please write more on the suicide series sir. ♥

  4. Nice one chinedu, I love that saying from the holy book,guard ur heart, always prepare for the worse and d best in it.dat way u can prevent d broken heart syndrome.

  5. it is good to be in love but always prepare your mind for the worst in that wise you may not experience heart break and if it comes you can easily overcome it . This is not suggesting that it is only love relationship that can cause broken heart

    1. That's true... Thanks for that suggestion because even death of a loved one can cause broken heart syndrome.

  6. This is a good piece. Thanks for sharing this.

  7. Thanks for reading... I appreciate

  8. I really don't know why I am writing this as I am a strong man and have had lots and lots of break ups in the past and after a week or so, I'm back. But this one I just CANNOT shake off. We've been split for 4 months but we were still communicating for the first three. Always her side was negative. I don't even know if anybody is going to read this. I hate the feeling that I'm left like this and she just doesn't care and has moved on, even though she used to say that I was the only man she ever wanted, she could never do without me in her life and I was the only man that she'd ever said I love you too.

    1. I think I understand what you are talking about... it is actually therapeutic to talk about it and seek help if the depressive symptoms persist. You could send me a mail so we can talk better if you don't mind. Thanks and anticipating your response.


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