Hello everyone, 

Over one decade, social media has become a household name, especially since the advent of Facebook in the mid-2000s. You would agree with me that social media has since grown and become a powerful tool for expression of interest, education, lifestyle and even determining public opinion on both trivial and serious issues like the next president of a nation. However, social media might be viewed as a "double-edged sword." It has aided people in expressing their thoughts and feelings and receiving social support; nevertheless, it has also been related to psychological difficulties. It is therefore important that we understand how social media can impact our well-being as its increasingly negative impact is becoming worrisome.  

Let me start by stating that social media use influences people's mental well-being in light of building social support and connection. People can utilise social media to deepen ties with existing friends and create new friendships online thereby reducing social isolation and loneliness and invariably improving their mental health. In fact, many studies have supported the theory that low social support is a risk factor for developing all sorts of mental health issues like anxiety, depression, substance use disorders and other addictions. This means that if you have higher social support from family, friends and colleagues, you are at lesser risk to develop these issues. 

However, on the flip side, social media has been very problematic. And even though I would be publicizing this document using social media platforms, I won't spare words when I say a lot of people have developed and are trying to deal with one psychological issue or the other as a result of their interaction with social media. That is why I would say this problem is straightforward because there are a lot of contributing factors. People may easily use it to cope with real-life issues and find themselves creating an addictive behaviour to social media which would be unhealthy. Hence, masking problems like stress, depression, boredom and anxiety using social media is not a healthy way to go.

Many people compare themselves to others in order to evaluate their own opinions and abilities. Surprisingly, this type of behaviour is more common in teens than in younger children or adults. The influence of social media on mental health may change depending on whether people compare themselves to lower performers or use higher performers as a point of reference. According to research, passive Facebook use predicts social comparison and jealousy, which can lead to sadness. There is also a link between unpleasant internet interaction and depression and anxiety. If you must hold anything from what I would be saying, hold this "Majority of what we see on social media do not reflect reality". Quite a lot of people suffer from depression, and anxiety and have committed suicide because of the fake life of others.

Fear of missing out (FOMO) might keep one coming back to social media over and over. Even though there are relatively few things that cannot be delayed or require an instant reaction, FOMO will make an individual feel everything needs instant responding. Perhaps you're concerned that if you don't keep up with the newest news or gossip on social media, you'll be left out of the conversation at school or work. Perhaps you believe that if you don't instantly like, share, or comment on other people's posts, your relationships will suffer. You may be concerned that you will miss out on an invitation or that others will have a better time than you. This can build up your anxiety level when you don't have access to social media.

Impaired sleep is a problem that can be associated with social media use. It is a sedentary behaviour that, when practised excessively, increases the risk of health problems. When I mentioned addiction to social media, sleep, diet and personal care can be affected as a result of neglect. Sedentary behaviour harms people's mental health, although it is still unclear, those with mental health issues may be less physically active. 

Finally, I won't end this if I do not highlight the menace of cyberbullying which has a big effect on many people's life. Spreading hurtful rumours, lies, and abuse that can leave lasting emotional scars. Let us stop the hate! Stop cyberbully!!! Spread love and light...

Speak to an expert!!!

Speak to a psychologist!!!


  1. Since the adverse effects is more than 6he posositive impact are you insinuating that we stop using social media

    1. Thank you for the question... Of course I won't insinuate that. Plus a lot of people use social media as a platform to make money for themselves legitimately. We only need to know when to draw the line and maybe seek help when we are being affected in the various ways I was talking about. And it is more of a sensitization towards preventing us from the adverse effect of the addiction of social media.

  2. Wow! This is on point,thanks for sharing. “ low social support is a risk factor for developing all sorts of mental health issues like anxiety, depression” no lies


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