We sometimes take for granted the power our thoughts have on our overall existence. Yes, I meant that. This is not solely to motivate you but to bring to your consciousness how we haven’t been using the very powerful tool we can ever have to live a happier life and improved well-being. A positive thought is basically having an optimistic mindset. The positive outlook enhances good relationships, draws success into your life, and increases the happiness hormone i.e., Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphins (why do I need drugs to be happy?). It's a mindset that can be cultivated.

Can we remember the concept of the half-empty, and half-full glass? Essentially, what this concept shows us is that although none is wrong, however the way we answer this question-reflect our general view on life and even our attitude towards ourselves. For example, when there is a crisis situation, different people would respond to these situations in different ways. Typically, either look for a way out of the situation or sulk in and see the end. Those who would naturally see the glass as half-full would be more optimistic about getting out of the situation, however, the opposite is the case for those who see the glass as half-empty.

Before I move on, I would note that positive thinking doesn’t mean being overly or extremely optimistic while ignoring the existence of the negatives that may be happening at the moment, in fact, that would be delusional. Positive thinking only means approaching the negative unpleasantness in a more positive and productive manner. And these have been shown to help reduce stress and become successful in the face of challenges.

I would usually say that thoughts are like birds, they fly around endlessly. And the funny thing is it is usually easier to allow our mind to accommodate the negative thoughts and dwell on them more than the positives. And when this happens, the negative thoughts would become so automated (automatic) that it just comes naturally. Let me talk a little about how these negative thoughts play out. Sometimes we tend to amplify negative aspects of things that happen and somehow filter out the positive ones, we can even blame ourselves for every other bad occurrence even when it doesn’t even relate to us at all. Also, anticipating the worse in everything, and forgetting things can always go either way. Blaming others for the bad things that happen to you, or seeing issues as either black or white… it can be grey! One way to combat this is by what we call cognitive restructuring, which would require conscious and deliberate efforts to stop those negative thoughts, question them, and then start building the positive ones.

Why do we really need to build positive thoughts? Did you know that your thought pattern is linked to the way you behave or react to issues? I have seen people come down with depression, anxiety, and other psychosomatic problems, all as a result of the way they think, which is usually a negative thought process. According to many research, positive thoughts would help build psychological well-being, reduce the level of depression and anxiety, reduce the level of pain and distress, reduce the risk of physical health problems like cardiovascular disease, cancer, and infection, and even increase coping and resilience needed in the face of adversity. Wow! Such amazing power is embedded in positive thinking that many of us haven’t even started utilizing.

One basic way of building or creating positive thoughts is self-talk. And that is why affirmation is very encouraged when we are going through difficulties in life, this is because the more we speak these things, the more our brain is conditioned to act on them, and belief is built which goes a long way in overcoming these adversities. Note that we must also know the appropriate affirmation for the specific situation. When we also speak to people and to the self, ensure to use positive words in those dialogues. The more you speak it, the easier to see life from the half-full perspective.

Furthermore, a sign of a damaged mind is negative thoughts, so when you get yourself overwhelmed with negative thought patterns every time, then I think it is time to fix the mind. And who better to help you do that if not a therapist/psychologist? As much as you want to pray about it, do not neglect that there are experts whom God has placed to help you out of these recurring menace on your mindset.

Speak to an Expert!!

Speak to a Psychologist!!!


  1. Well spoken sir

  2. Nice piece bro,God bless you

  3. Speak to an expert! Thanks for sharing this, it’s helpful.


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