It is even worse when all this pollutions of the character is not pronounced but speaking quietly in your heart. If a Prophet tells you that you have a particular character you are likely to deny or argue. Your character is not easily seen and you are living a life of pretence. It takes the grace of God for such character to be exposed and addressed. A man carrying all these as underlying factors cannot go far in life. Everything he does, even in the house of God, is done with a polluted spirit and such has no reward. In verse 14 of 2 Thess Chapter 2 Paul says “whereunto He called you by our gospel” the gospel we preached is ‘ours’, it belongs to all of us, therefore we are meant to build together but what you have today is people playing games behind their leaders, others are busy distracting others, some are building with satanic and selfish interests. Those who are meant to support the vision are the ones pulling down the vision. This means that everyone, even men of God ne...