It is even worse when all this
pollutions of the character is not pronounced but speaking quietly in your
heart. If a Prophet tells you that you have a particular character you are
likely to deny or argue. Your character is not easily seen and you are living a
life of pretence. It takes the grace of God for such character to be exposed
and addressed. A man carrying all these as underlying factors cannot go far in
life. Everything he does, even in the house of God, is done with a polluted
spirit and such has no reward.
In verse 14 of 2 Thess Chapter 2
Paul says “whereunto He called you by our gospel” the gospel we preached is
‘ours’, it belongs to all of us, therefore we are meant to build together but
what you have today is people playing games behind their leaders, others are
busy distracting others, some are building with satanic and selfish interests. Those
who are meant to support the vision are the ones pulling down the vision. This means
that everyone, even men of God needs to work on their spirit and their motives
so that Christ would not say “depart from me”.
A sanctified spirit is a spirit
devoid of pollutions such as the works of flesh. A spirit that is set
continually on God, the kingdom and righteousness, a spirit that has been thoroughly
purged and cleansed, a spirit of genuine love, obedience, humility, and faithfulness.
A person carry the sanctified spirit is known by his/her continuity in absolute
obedience to God, faithfulness and humility. Such carries the raw presence of
God and they are an authority wherever they go. Doors open before them of their
own accord. They win battles before the fight commences. They are always
operating from above. They are more heavenly minded than earthly minded. They attract
unusual favor and devil is scared of them. They are kingdom pillars and
builders and God is rest assured that they will deliver. An example in the
bible is Abraham in Genesis 18 vs 17-19.
Sanctification of the spirit is a
gradual and continual process. It is about journeying with God to the point
where God can vouch for you. God is the one who will sanctify you but you need
1. 1. Consciously
and prayerfully work on your heart; that is; your thought, imaginations and mindsets.
2Cor 4:5. Again Romans 12 verse 2 says “be not conformed to this world: but be ye
transformed by the renewing of your mind…” let the word of God dwell in you, let
the thoughts of God occupy your mind more. As you go about your daily business daily
be more heavenly inclined. Col 3:1-2, Isaiah 26:3 “thou (God) wilt keep him in
perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee…”
2. 2. Work
on your motive, attitude and character: desire a change of character and work
on it. God said to me that “your motive is your character”. If your motives are
centered on God and not self, then you are several steps higher. Let your
attitude and character (which come from who you are on the inside) depict the
righteousness of God. Give the Holy Ghost room in your heart so that the fruits
of the spirit may abound in you.
3. 3. Rededicate
your life to God in humble service in anyway God may choose and continually
follow his will. Service and sacrifice are essential tools to journeying with
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