Then also he told the two of them to submit to one another because functionally, each must complement one another's weakness with their own strengths
And the Bible has put a structure in place for proper administration of each gender power and their responsibilities as man and woman, man is the head of the marriage. He must learn to manage his position as the head, that hierarchy must be well defined and the man must never become irresponsible as a male in the name of equality, he must lead. So that he can manage his wife's strength and compensate for her weaknesses, but he must lead with LOVE, so that he can know when to submit to his wife's strength and give the required help for the purpose why God brought them together
Anything outside this order will lead either to chaos or oppression.
Chaos, because when a man does not lead, he ends up exposing his woman's weakness and thus order is broken
That's why it was not the woman that God first questioned when he came to the garden after the fall; it was the male, why? Because he was expected to lead
Oppression, because if the man does not learn to Lead with LOVE, he will stifle his wife's strength that should have been used to help to balance things and his own weaknesses will put their relationship destiny into jeopardy.
The reason the woman was created as a help suitable for her man is because the man NEEDS HELP, he may be the head but he is not perfect or complete without his woman beside him.
So as a man if you do not listen to your woman, why did you marry her in the first place, if you do nor respect her potentials, why is she your wife, God gave her to you to help you, stop frustrating her effort, you need her.
So each one must each play our roles.
I realize a relationship only thrives when each emphasizes their own responsibility to each other instead of focusing on our personal human rights.
You are no longer single, so you will have to submit your personal rights and power to each other as husband and wife, for the benefit of your marital destiny.
Stay blessed.


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