They can both respect each other as humans, but the gateman must know his boss and accord him that honour if he wants to keep his job.
Life is in phases.
Men are in sizes
So equality only ends where it pertains to our right to be humans, But in relationship structure, heir achy comes play, so that we can have order and 'government' without which there is going to be chaos and anarchy in our world.
Someone must make the rule
Someone must be held responsible for things
Someone must lead others
Someone must make the final decision
But this hierarchy must be based on objective evaluations Like
Strength and weakness
Experiences and training
Character and virtue
Age and all etc
The Bible says we must respect all established "authority". They have a position and thus a responsibility for us.
So likewise male and female, they are both equal as humans, they must have the same rights as human beings created in the image and likeness of God.
But when in relationship with one another, the equation changes, they must acknowledge their differences and respect it.
It doesn't mean one gender is better than the other gender as humans, but we know that women are better at some things than men and men are better at some things than women, so you can't treat them equally on that ground.
You must respect their differences and approach them that way.
Even there are general differences amongst each gender, not all women have exactly the same qualities, and all men are not equal, we must be sensitive to each individual and adjust to them
So scripturally, in a marriage, God having put into consideration these differences, he tells the man to love and cherish their wives, because of their emotional needs and composition, and women to submit to their own husbands because of the male predilection and need for honor, be continued


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